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Parent/Carer Questionnaire

At Russell Hall we are striving to provide your children with the best possible education and in order to do this we greatly value your input. Parents play a vital part in children’s education and if it is important for us to know if we are ‘getting it right for you’ because we know that when we do, it has the most successful impact on our children’s learning.

We have used parent surveys to gather opinions, which have helped to change and shape practice and to provide parents and children with a better service.

The surveys also become an important part of school data, so that we can tell others what our parents think of our school.

Once a questionnaire has been completed, we use the results to feed into our plan for improving the school. If there are any issues raised on the questionnaires we deal with these on a case by case basis.

Parent View

Parent View is the website used by Ofsted to record parent/carers views and feedback.  It can be accessed by parents/carers at any stage during the school year, Ofsted will then collate the data when they next come to visit.


parent viewClick here to complete the Parent View Questionnaire.  This is the information Ofsted refers to when inspecting our school.